KB started the tune of ee-i-ee-i-o when he was merely 10 or 12- months-old. He wasn't even walking yet.
Today, the list grew to include...
mummy started to play a tune to the beat on the keyboard which inspired KB to get everyone to stand up and follow him,
the list of stuff Ol' MacDonald. Everything in one seating.
- Pig - Oink
- Cow - moo
- Elephants - Whoo
- Duck - Wag wag
- Hula - hoop - shake shake
- bicycle - tinkle tinkle
- cars - beep beep
- truck - honk honk
- bus - "de de" (sound of tapping bus card on validator!)
- Aeroplane - zoom zoom
- Pilot - steer steer
- people - yakety yakety
- chair - sit sit
- Clock - tick tock
- Lights - Blink blink
- Giraffe - ooh Ooh (reaching his long neck)
- Zebra - gallop, gallop
- Horses - trotter trotter
- Bed (Mummy's suggestion, because its nap time!) - sleep, sleep
I really like the way the song was sang continuously to the beat of the keyboard rhythm. KB had to think up what's next real fast and mummy was egging him on... to make it more dramatic! I had to! This is child hood, drum it up. Make it super fun. hahahah...
What a fun way to enhance quick thinking and vocabulary skills!
After the song, KB said, "Wow, I really like singing song eh" :) I loved to see KB's eyes so big with excitement. He is so contented.
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