Nature / Outdoor have you ever seen a snail poo-poo? Well, here it is. A nice, slimy, swirly snail poo for us all to see. We all exclaimed what big poo a small snail has! KB has developed a love for garden snails and he would ask for it after a rain. it was nice because it rained alot in Sept and Oct and we always had the chance to bring a snail or two home for the day before releasing them back to their habitat. Meanwhile, KB worked at creating a cosy home for them.
Rain is a good thing, our Filipina helper says kids in her home town look forward to rain to play in the rain. And we thought, why not? Urban kids can do it too. So we too don our raincoat and went splashing. Here's KB enjoying the little bit of the rain.
Then there is KB on go-kart and fearless KB on flying fox.
Where do bananas grow? We discovered a really big banana tree, complete with bunches of banana hanging downwards. Instinctively the kids chose to sit underneath it. Were they waiting for the bananas to fall?
We spotted some swans swimming in the lake and we thought it might be fun to play "spot the difference game" - Swan vs duck.

Appreciating nature and spotting a bird nest!
Visiting Universal studio and experimenting with various form of pretend play, rides and cartoon fantasy.
Water play - still a perennial favourite
Imaginative play
Its take-out-recycle-boxes day and build anything you want. KB built a Airport Control Tower, a ramp for the cyclist and a hump for him to jump over. Loved this game.
Pretend Play
In one of our free play moments, he build something he had read in a book, The Little blue boat, kathy Henderson. He said it an oil rig. Check out the book version and his lego version. He build it all from memory or at least how he thought it was to be.
Festival and celebrations
Since it mid autumm festival, this year we did something different. We made 'mooncake' using agar agar and looked at the full moon in the sky. KB made his own lantern. I supplied the materials and he assembled them together as he liked. And they neednt look like the ones sold in the market or shops, each lantern is uniquely made by a child. We also went to the Singapore River on the same night with our friends to carry lantern.
Cooking / Baking
We started a co-op with fellow homeschoolers and had a baking / cooking session once a week.
We did kneading, decorating, stirring, pouring, and eating of course.
Things started off there and we now do some cooking at home together. KB started to fry scrambled eggs at home. About time too!
We are into patterning this season. here's one of our observation in one of our nature walks. We were in the midst of playing birthday celebrations and had invited all his furry friends to attend. And mummy took the opportunity to decorate patterns on birthday cake, with KB 'copying' after.
And other pattern games using sticker tags.
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