A leisurely boat ride at Clarke Quay with a friend.
Celebrating daddy's birthday at Sentosa with cousin. Then blow candles at home. :)
Sorting and counting
This is an excellent activity to do with two young tots. Little brother (23 months old) was learning to match coloured pipe clean with the same coloured cup, while KB was sorting colour and counting sticks per cup. The cups are randomly placed in the same room. Each child is required to look for the coloured cups to match the pipe cleaners they are holding. After playing for awhile, I observed that they tend to remember where specific coloured cup is placed.
3D imaging
using Magna tiles, KB was able to construct various dimensional objects. A wonderful independent play toy that helps him see things in 3D. KB enjoys this tremendously.
Sort according to colour and size
We do this using recycled egg carton. Mummy trimmed the sides of the carton packaging as it was very sharp. Considering the beads which was so small and varied, KB did this ever so patiently, sorting all the beads steadily.
Sort according to 'patterned' or 'solid'
These were actually mummy's fancy paper from Japan, but was used for another sorting activity that KB enjoyed.
Pretend Play
KB set up his "Pasah malam" stall with mummy encouraging him to 'categorise' his food items and cutleries. pre-math activities learnt through play.
Large motor + lifeskills (take turns)
Theme "Solar System"
Solar system. This is the theme we took for the month. KB has taken an interest in the galaxy feature on mummy's galaxy S and we decided to extend his interest for fun.
We did a giant 48-piece solar system floor puzzle and talked about the earth we live in with this soft-as-pillow globe. A real treasure with young kids as we could literally hug the earth and KB could look up the countries easily with an adult. We also read books that talked about the sun, moon, planets. It was fun.
Art & Craft
We did a giant solar system complete with the 9 planets, including dwarf planet Pluto. Then we used coffee filter paper to create 'planets' with its various colour and distance to the moon. Idea taken from here. It was simply awesome watching the water spread on the coffee filter paper. Then KB used white paint, an old toothbrush and a recycled ice-cream stick to create tiny stars in the galaxy (see picture). KB did the stars, planets and mummy helped to cut the paper (Not that easy for a 3-yr-old as coffee filter paper is rather hard). Then we had the 'planets' pasted in the solar system with the nearest planet to the sun to the furthest. We talked about 'nearest' and 'furthest' and mummy could not resist throwing in some 'sight words' for fun.
Art & Craft
Printing with balloons
We used the three primary colours to create opportunities for colour mixing
Seeing colours on both side of the plastic sheet creates a new perspective of looking at art.
Flying kite amidst November rain. One of our playground moments.
A trip to a local nursery