It was Chinese New Year, so we jumped straight into festive celebration. We read a few stories related to Chinese New Year and made a dragon puppet out of paper bag! Theo stick the dragon tongue, coloured the dragon and stuck on its googly eyes. Easy to make, nice!
Then Theo helped to sort sweets and counted them.
We also 'toured' Chinatown on a WEEKDAY, can U believed it was still crowded. Well, I guess weekends were worse! We got this traditional costume. we learnt so much at Chinatown, Theo was so excited looking at all the "Cun Lian", "Pao Zhu" and all the traditional chinese new year decorations.
We Started our traditional letter craft, and attempted to make a "polka-dot" caterpillar. This was really good for fine motor skills that Theo was good at. He stuck on the googly eyes, (kids just lurve googly eyes!) and ta-da, easy peasy!
He counted some 1-cents coins.
Then we did writing on shaving cream. I know, such a mess! But he liked it. I love it when children don't mind getting their hands dirty, its a way to learn and serve. Of course, which child can contain their curiosity and excitement with SHAVING CREAMS on their hands? I applaud Theo for his patience. He had to write "C" on the wall, a few times. Then it was freedom; cream here, cream there, cream everywhere!
Then we did some experiment making clouds with cotton wool. We read that rain happens because the cloud were so full of water that it fell from the sky, creating a drizzle, a shower and a downpour.
We also did some cotton wool painting. I think he was probably so enthralled by the sight of water fountain that we had pictures of water foundation in all forms; magic ink, paint, chalk, cotton wool painting. I like it!
We had a breakthough this month. Theo and I finally progressed on our bilingual program! Mummy spoke mandarin on some days and Theo had learnt to sit and listen in to Chinese stories, and recite a mandarin prayer all by himself. We also added 1 mandarin song into the creation theme. In addition, we read "Mao Mao Cong" (A hungry Caterpillar by Leo Lionni) and made a Mao Mao cong craft. Sorry, didnt have pictures to show, cuz we got too busy doing stuff!
Our Bible theme this time was : Creation
We read our Bible for days of creation and mummy narrate from picture cards from file folder fun while Theo will take the 'created items" and place it on the sheets. Mummy took some time to conceptualise this so that it could be hands-on, interesting and memorable for the child. (See more on Creation craft). we also did God made me and God loves me activity. We sang songs from "God made the moon and God made the stars..." etc. This game can be played a few times and we could also do simple story sequencing.
Free Play
Theo's got a scooter! yippee... Theo had it everywhere he went... zoom zoom zoom, and our little baby had to be a part too.
We caught some ants carrying food from one point to another at the stairway near our flat on one of our morning walks. (Sorry, no pictures to show cuz mummy didnt bring the camera on that day). But it was a really nice opportunity to observe and appreciate nature and animals. And mummy had to suppress her "eeeeeeeeeeeeeee... let's get out of here" impluse. So we could have a REAL lesson on ants and their dilligence.
Time of learning-to-share-and-not-fight-over-toys moment! This has got to be a one special moment I love. Theo was so spontaneous in sharing his yakult drink, he had to hold didi head to let him drink. Very very cute!
He is also curious about sun-rise and sun-set, why it is dark and why there is light. A coincidence that we are doing creation to explain why there was day and night.
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