First, we traced the letter "B" on paper and coloured a Bird. Then we did some pre-writing activity which he did so well, it surprised me. This was the first time that he tried it and I had always thought this to be a 3yr old activity. Then we went out and blow our bubbles. Though not the first time he is playing this, it is amazing how creative and observant kids are. We went to a playground to blow bubbles and he tried to put the bubble gun through the holes and watched bubbles float up all the way to the tree tops.
Today, poor Theo
Though he was lethargic, his spirits were high. So I got out some fun but less physical activity. We printed bears! Kids loves painting and Theo is one of them. We did up to 3 drawing blocks sheets and then we ran out of it and print more bears on teh newspaper until we run out of paint. Look how he is getting better each time. Neat. We decided to cut one out and send it to Theo's cousin, Chika in Jakarta. Theo chose the bear and cut it out. I helped to trim the edge to fit it into the envelope. Then we went to buy stamps for the envelope.
Theo was running a low-grade fever but that did not stop his enthusiasm. I prepared the materials and Theo put on the scotch-tape and taped the boats. He was thrilled. We took the boats - 1 big and 1 small to the waters. I explained the sail boat needed wind to sail and we pretended to be the wind. Theo blew the sails and it went sailing. Then he wanted some people on the boat. Later some water got into the boat and it sank, so we talked about 'floating' and 'sinking'.
we sang the song "5 little bears jumping on the bed" and read "We're going on a bear hunt", "jesse bear, what will you wear" amongst other books.
I got my helper to help cut a baby pillow and make it into beanbags to play! It was fun fun fun, throwing and catching the beanbag. Theo is learning to catch. He often laughed uncontrollably whenever he sees me throw something to daddy or my helper. He stretched out both hands and gets ready to catch, then he squeals with laughter when he catches the beanbag.
We did more printing, this time the lower case 'b' in 'blue' colour to go along with our "B" letter.
Theo matched bees to flower petals. At first I thought it may be slightly difficult as there are 2 groups of colours on each object. But it turned out too easy for him. Anyway, he had fun and returned to this game himself a few times. We ended up playing various versions of it.
Theo did some pre-writing exercise and were pretty good. This wasnt my focus but I wanted to see where he stands. It turned out quite well. I was tempted to put a star but I praised his effort all the same. Its an intentional effort on my part to always emphasize the effort regardless of the results.
We also did a Family Devotion together. We used Exodus to talk about God giving the 10 commandments to Moses. We told the story from a childrens Bible and watched a short cartoon on the same passage. Then we do role-play. I had a costume ready for the role of Moses & God. At first, Daddy was God and he gave the Bible to Theo, then they swopped. Later I was Moses and Theo was God. We prayed and thank God he gave us the Bible and ended with a sweet dessert. White fungus and lotus with red dates, wolfberry & huai san. 2 days later, I asked him casually, "who gave us the Bible?" He answered "God". Initially, he was hesitant to try on the 'costume' but asked to play this again 2 days later and asked for the costume.
This is our first family devotion together, rather simple but the message got through. Praise the Lord!
So "B" is for Bubbles, Bear, Boat, Bee, Bible. I printed all the pictures of him playing and got him to stick it in his 'My big book of letter sounds'.
Some random free play photos:
Nature's beauty. Theo spotted a unique leaf during one of our morning walks.
Theo helps mummy clear papaya seeds. Servanthood starts here.
Dreaming up of a big traffic jam? (is this jakarta?) - Better than playing on a pre-designed road-maps for kids, is one that a child can imagine and build all by himself. That's thumbs-up for creativity and imagination. Theo tells me "Mummy, this is the road, its long!
Looking at Vincent Van Gogh's painting of a bedroom and talking about it. Theo asked "how come there are two doors, one for going out, one for coming in issit?" hahah, perhaps, yes. He said I don't like to sleep in this bedroom because it is too bright."
Worshipping by the keyboard. As usual, Theo runs for his guitar. We sing "God is good, all the time" amongst others.
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