We started on letter recognition with upper and lower case A. Theo played sorting and did it with ease. He excitedly did it another round to show Daddy when he came home that day.
We also sang "Ants on the ankle" song by jolly phonics, which Theo being an auditory learner was quick to pick up the song in a day and sang with ease. Then we trace the upper and lower case A with our fingers and did AB pattern for Ambulance and Aeroplane.
During lunch we had Animal pasta and Theo tried to identify the animals by its outline, it was rather difficult but he managed to tell which one was a cow!
We took out all the different colored balloons and pumped air into it while Theo let the Air out of the balloon. We had a whale of time with the air hissing out and balloon flying all over the house. Each time the balloon 'flies', Theo would laugh uncontrollably. I think we probably played for a good 45mins. Then it became quite tiring for my arms as I was pumping non stop! We rounded off by sorting the balloons by their colours. We also talk about God being like AIR is everywhere.
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