KB has learnt to play the piano with both hands and this is the first
song he played. Kind of a milestone in all things first, so we were
naturally very excited. We improvised because this piece was relatively
easy, so I got KB to try playing with both hands. He seems to enjoy it.
Free Play: Coloured ice.
Science: Seeds! Learnt how seeds look like and how seeds are being dispersed. We picked up some saga seeds and bought African tulip seeds from the Chinese medical hall. God is good to us. I was having a cough then and God partner us in our lesson. Do you know that African tuilp seeds has healing properties?
Snails : KB's all time favourite. Now he gets to see all kinds of snails. Aquatic snails and how we can attract snails (even when it is not raining). We learnt that by opening a can of beer, snails are attracted to the smell of yeast inside the can of beer. Wow! Should we try it?
We were at the science centre and learnt about fertilised and non-fertilised eggs, touched chicks and learnt some fun facts about eggs. KB was really happy to be cuddling the chicks. We heard that there is no where in Singapore one can touch a chick due to new AVE regulations in light of Bird Flu crisis. Also Science centre is the only place we can see if the egg was fertilised or not via candling, although we can shine a torch up an egg, most of the eggs available at the market would not be fertilised.
Math: Estimation. How many eggs can fit into 1 cup? :)
Geography Day 29 March 2012 - Lots of hands-on activities with really exposure to various countries and their culture. We had an Indonesia booth which talks about transportation. Elias joined in the fun too with suitable activities.