Language: Writing & Reading

We use pictograms to explain how chinese words come about. We bought the books here.
It worked really well. We would read books related to rain and write a sentence about rain.

Simple word recognition and family tree.

Science: God created water
We learnt about the difference between solid and liquids. Liquids has no shape. It takes the shape of any container it is put into.

We read books about the various type of water God created in form of pond, lake, ocean. We talked about the importance of water.
Water is denser than oil so it sinks to the bottom of a jar filled with oil.

Learning how different pressure creates various speed.

Free Play/Pretend Play
KB creates a zoo using playdough, some toy and ice-cream sticks. Look how my old rice cooker pots has transformed into helmets! Loved their imagination.

The Baby Panda is by far the best childrens play I have ever seen. It is lively and interactive. The boys loved the songs which they already knew how to sing and had lots of fun doing it in a group of kids their age. Kids also went to Dinosaur exhibition at Science Centre. Very visual experience. KB tried his hand at being an archaelogist, digging up dinosaur skeletons. He had fun.

We role play Jesus healing the sick as the man was lowered from the roof by his friends. KB & NB had to do this over and over till all their "patients" aka soft toys are healed.

Delight learning
We spent quite alot of time here as there were so / too many things KB was interested in. First a bird flew to our neighbours corridor, just one floor down to make a nest! How can we not get excited over that? So we decided to embark on a "birds" unit. Check out the eggs and baby bird! We did various worksheets for fun and sneaked in "sex education" - an introduction of how birds were made really; egg, sperm and all.
KB was very patient as he tried his hand at weaving. No, we did not expect him to get every line and flap right, it was a child's work afterall, but he got the idea how bird's nest were made.
We spent quite alot of time here as there were so / too many things KB was interested in. First a bird flew to our neighbours corridor, just one floor down to make a nest! How can we not get excited over that? So we decided to embark on a "birds" unit. Check out the eggs and baby bird! We did various worksheets for fun and sneaked in "sex education" - an introduction of how birds were made really; egg, sperm and all.
KB was very patient as he tried his hand at weaving. No, we did not expect him to get every line and flap right, it was a child's work afterall, but he got the idea how bird's nest were made.

This was relatively easy and enjoyable as we made the mould of volcano out of flour, I added some colouring to turn it into brown colour. Once ready, baking soda goes into the bottle and there, we simulated a volcano eruption. The boys were thrill. Kb asked me how come there is no cloud of ash above our volcano. hahah.. He does know his stuff. We use various online resources, printables and Usborne Beginners: Volcanoes.

Art & craft