Homeschool fun fair was round the corner and that got everyone excited. Mummy was thinking of popcorn, and son was thinking of probably a million things to make and sell.
So we started brainstorming and KB came up with close to 20 ideas, amongst which were making jeans, house, aeroplance, rockets ... and finally he said "mummy, I like music, I would make a trumpet to sell" and I had to say YES!
So we figured we could let him paint his beautiful drawing board in whichever way he likes and mummy would help to roll it up for him. These are the completed 'trumpets' or 'loud hailer', but we decided to call it a trumpet becuz the name was more catchy.
KB looks at his wallet (probably deciding there were too few coins), picks up his loud-hailer and calls out for customers... ha haha... this is so cute!
After some logistic challenges (something to do with bringing extension wire to hook up our popcorn machine!), mummy decided to scrap the idea of making popcorn and decided to just go for Game-for-charity. There was a Food Crisis at East Africa and that provided an excellent cause to go for. It would be meaningful yet fun to do something like that as a family.
Game-for-charity : Scoop as many balls as you can under 10 secs. Highest scorer of the day wins Family Boardgame, "Chutes and Ladders". Game is suitable for aged 2 yrs-old onwards!
My 4 yr-old is in-charge of giving out stickers to those who completes the game, though sometimes he would also tend to his 'trumpet' stall.
Which child would say no to ice-lollies? ;)
All good things must come to an end. Many (little) hands make work lighter.