Theme: Time
we are now alternating between thematic learning, units and delight-learning approach. We do alot of delight learning and as such we don't have plans that stretches to a quarter. We don't even have plans for the next 2 weeks. ;p
KB had such interest in numeric symbols. He started to ask about the number plate of cars when we pass by the carpark. Thanks the elevator we had to take everyday, he is now familiar with every number from 1 - 12. We reckon he was ready to tell the time. And he was able to tell the hour time, and soon he was telling us all the bus numbers from our bus-stops and where they are going, now he is trying to memorise my phone number in case he gets lost. :)

- We did a theme on 'Time', since we talk about it alot daily. KB has been talking about night time and day time and I thought I extended it to how things grow with time.
We grew beans! Beans take time to grow. Just like people. We looked at the family album and discuss times when he was was a baby and then he is now a big boy. We also spotted an old tree trunk in one of our nature walks and explained the number of rings represent how old the tree was.

Arts & CraftsKB was excited as he did his share to accumulate egg shells, washed and dried them for art. And the day finally arrived. Mummy drew a
s-nake and KB crushed the eggs and stuck them on the body to look like snake's skin, then he decided to paint it. He had much better control of the paint brush then when he first started and had been able colour inside the lines, although it never came up as a topic and I was really ok with him colouring outside the line as an art form.

Reinforcing 'S' through simple peel and stick activity. Noticed how KB stacked up the stickers so nicely. I like the simple dimensional art.
Nature prints (using pong pongs that we picked up from one of our nature adventure)

We've been in a habit of collecting nature finds and decided it was time to store them up, for a limited time (of course). We had our empty snail shell, a pong pong, some tree roots (from an uprooted tree due to strong weather condition), a whole bunch of tree leaves (from a fallen tree) - but was too big to put it in our nature jar, so we've set it our garden for now.
Mushrooms spotting
We can't believe we saw so many different types of mushroom in one park!

In one of our play together session with younger sibling, the kids were suppose to get the plastic toys out of the frozen chunk of ice. They were given a few 'tools' and KB discovered what can melt ice faster. It was an hour of pure cool fun for both boys.

... First, KB did not want to touch it. So he sprayed it.

...then his feet went on top of the ice inside basin. Then he held the ice chunk.

... then he went inside the basin and sat on the ice chunk! KB suddenly had an idea to go into our bathroom and get the cup out and pour lots of water on it (His own resourcefulness). I couldnt resist the little one who also followed suit, look at what he got instead? Mummy laughed so hard at that. Yes, its his potty! Cuties indeed.

And so KB discovered that water is the best and quickest way to melt the ice and get the toys out!
Pretend Play
KB goes Fishing!
Pre-Math readinessPlaying with shapes and fraction
Pre-reading readinessLauri puzzle. KB was able to do it much quicker than the first time he did it. KB traced the letter "S" to get a feel how it looks like.

Mandarin We've come to the end of our Mandarin Speech and Drama at Julia Gabriel. KB had gained so much interest and confidence using mandarin as an alternative language. He even ventured to speak with our mandarin-speaking neighbours whom he has never uttered a word before. (See
Review of Julia Gabriel N1 speech and drama). Now it is time for us to keep up with our conversational mandarin every Tues and Thurs and any other time of the week.
SocialKB was getting better at playing with others, while he still does alot of parallel play, he was interacting more. Home learning allows us to be available for neighbours to drop by anytime or to render babysitting to them whenever needed. KB enjoyed those surprise visits from our 7-year-old, 6-year-old , and 3-year-old neighbours, and mummy enjoyed 'having' extra kids from time to time, like a large family (minus the pregnancy bulge and by-passing parenting). Smiles.

Some more play time ...
KB cycles everyday now, it is a blessing that we can go anywhere with mummy pushing the stroller and KB riding next to me. Theo has gone to the Library, park, playground, grandma's house all on his bike. We had an outing with a friend and KB rode about 2-hours with short breaks in between. We thought he was ready for a two-wheeler, but he seemed to love his red hot balance bike so much we decided to let him have it for another 6 months before passing it on to his younger brother. since watching YOG Time Trial, KB had several of those almost everyday. I'm truly amazed at a kid's enthusiasm...