We're using a thematic approach together with a letter unit this round. We are dedicating a whole series using Ecc 3 in our next round of updates. We also just started our mandarin speech and drama with Julia Gabriel for a term and mummy is now more intentional about speaking mandarin at home. Yipee!
Pre-writing readiness
KB was getting better with this. He does not touch the side lines now. He is also learning to be more precise as he circles those letters which are not the same.
Fine-motor skills & Math readiness skills
KB is also getting better at cutting and can follow simply lines for a cut-out of shapes.
Mummy got him to cut out all the circles and mummy did all the stars. Then we did AB pattern and made a decorative item for our house. We read Beep beep vroom vroom and
Outdoor/Nature play : 'Sand-sation", climbing trees and playing with snails
Elias is joining us in lots of nature play. Being a kinesthetic and rather fearless boy, he had lots of fun exploring. Sometimes mummy can take a book and sit and read while the kids play by themseleves. Peacefully. Nature captivates kids like no other can. And I marvel at what a wondeful God we have through his creations. KB is using a big shovel and Elias using a small one.
Letter craft, "M"
Since KB started recognising letters in our daily life on his own, I have changed our word pictures activity. I have now included a word together with the picture to reinforce sight words. There is no pressure to recognise them, but the goal is to bring about an awareness that letters form words that is significant to him.
Language Arts
We ventured a FIAR story on The runaway Bunny and we did a simple lapbook for ease of playing games on story sequencing, shadow matching and learning about shapes. We also played shadow matching (not a simple one at that, so it was nice that it was slightly more challenging).
It was interesting that KB recognised the illustration from The Runaway Bunny being similiar to a book he read. He exclaimed "This is like the Goodnight Moon book!" So we took out the other book and played "spot the difference" game by comparing the room in one book to the other. Helps in training the eye to spot colours and details.
Art: Making Impressions: Artistic Pursuits
Habit of saying "Good morning" and watering the plants. KB has been independent in changing out of his pyjamas and into his day clothes, that he now needed permission as the weather may not permit him to change out of bed clothes so soon. It was a habit training on self-control.
Free play
Train rides, playing with water, cycling, observing dew drops on leaves (picture taken by KB), random painting (of a boat according to KB),