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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Music Sense - Mummy says Theo's gifted

One ordinary day, as usual, Theo visits Ah Mah on the weekend. Out of nowhere, he picked up a pair of disposable wooden chopsticks and instructed "jiu jiu" (uncle) to move his drum set near the sofa. So that marked the beginning of our little drummer and his musical piece. Since the tape has been rolling for sometime without rhyme or reason, we were plesantly surprised when we heard him play. Listen carefully and see if you can catch what Theo is trying to do. Well?

Don't you just love that sparkle in a kid's eye?

By the way, mummy says Theo can pitch pretty well too. Try asking him to sing and you hear the entire melody played out to the beat.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

how did kids become so sophisticated?

It amazes me from time to time, how kids actually think and know more than we think they do, sometimes. That's why I think parenting is like a dance, both of us are learning.

I like to keep watch of where Theo does and where he goes in our home, afterall he is only 2yrs old (+2mths) . Theo was nowhere in sight when i was having lunch and I called from the dining table " Theophilus!" and he replied "I'm sitting down!" Hmmm... how did he know? Clever boy. *Smile*

I came back one day said this upon noticing the clock in the kitchen " Eh, the clock is abit slow, i think it needs a battery soon". Suddenly Theo came running into the kitchen with a battery in his hand. I was surprised and believe it or not, DID NOT make the connection as to what I had just said. I asked Theo " Where did you get this from?" He took me to the bedroom and showed me " here" . Turns out he opened our bedroom clock and took out the battery for me!! So clever.